Difference Between Public And Private Limited Company in Bangladesh
Update Time :
Wednesday, February 24, 2021,
1113 Time View
Here I will discuss about the difference between public and private limited company in Bangladesh.
Here I will discuss about the difference between public and private limited company in Bangladesh.
- No Of Share Holder: In Private Limited Company Minimum Shareholder Can be 2 And Maximum allowed no of Share Holder is 50. On the other hand In Public Limited Company Minimum No Of Share Holder is 7 And There is No Limit for Maximum Shareholder.
- Share Transfer Restriction: In Private Limited Company A Share Holder must have to transfer or sale his share between the existing shareholder. a share holder can transfer or sale his share to others if he can take permission from the board of directors. on the other hand in public limited company a share holder can transfer or sale his share to any other person through the securities and exchange commission. and there is no restriction like private limited company.
- Selling Share, Bond And Debenture: A Private limited company can not issue bond and debenture to collect the capital. but on the other hand a public limited company can issue this types of bond and debenture to the general people to arrange fund or capital for the company.
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